Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stove-top scalloped potatoes

The ham I'm cooking is using the entire oven so I had to make the scalloped pots on the stove. Here is what I did
Cut 5 med pots into equal sized slices (maybe 10 each pot), cut 1/4 large onion into pieces,cut 1 carrot into small half slices, turn stovetop to med add 1T olive oil, add in 1T garlic then pots, keep browning, then carrots, then add S&P , 1/8C cornstarch, some nutmeg and whatever seasonings you prefer, if any, keep browning, add in 2 C milk (I used 1 C milk 1/2 C water 1/2 C evap milk) get to very low boil make sure on medium then let cook until 30 -45 minutes, add 1/2 C cheese if you want it I don't have any today) and let cook another 5-10 minutes let thicken while cooling then serve.
Tonight I'm serving with ham and green salad.
My neighbors were too generous and gave us a HUGE almost 12# ham (97 cents a pound at Safeway) for Easter. We will freeze a big portion of it for that event but there is enough for several meals as well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


They were so yummy and easy.
I used LO shredded pork, LO rice, shredded carrot, celery, onion, some garlic, ginger and soy sauce mixed it together and fold, pinch. pleat away!! made 60-easily fed 6 with a big green salad and mandarins